👩👦 Childcare centres in Victoria
⚠️ The “Price:” filter may limit your results. Many childcare centres choose not to post their prices publicly. You may need to contact the centre directly for their pricing. The filter displays the price, if available, for 5 day per week care. Many centres offer care for 2-4 days per week, for a lower price.
⚠️ Prices for “Preschools” tend to be for 2-3 days per week, “half day” care. Example: 9:00am-12:00pm “morning” session, 3 days a week only.
⚠️ “Opens:” / “Closes:” filter. Many childcare centres choose not to list their opening/closing hours publicly. If we could not find that information, the centre will not appear using the “Opens at” or “Closes at” filters. Contact the centre directly for their hours.
- Age: 0-1 year 70
- Age: 1 year 93
- Age: 1.5 years 101
- Age: 2 years 107
- Age: 2.5 years 143
- Age: 3 years 196
- Age: 4 years 196
- Age: 5 years 196
- Age: Infant 1
- Age: K - Grade 5 31
- City: Brentwood Bay 3
- City: Colwood 14
- City: Esquimalt 11
- City: Langford 24
- City: Metchosin 6
- City: Mill Bay 3
- City: Saanich 52
- City: Shawnigan Lake 4
- City: Sidney 8
- City: Sooke 16
- City: Victoria 80
- City: View Royal 9
- Closes: 12:00pm-12:59pm 5
- Closes: 1:00pm-1:59pm 5
- Closes: 2:00pm-2:59pm 3
- Closes: 3:00pm-3:59pm 23
- Closes: 4:00pm-4:59pm 26
- Closes: 5:00pm-5:59pm 104
- Closes: 6:00pm 16
- Closes: 6:00pm-6:59pm 1
- Opens: 6:00am-6:59am 10
- Opens: 6:00am-6:59pm 2
- Opens: 7:00am-7:59am 96
- Opens: 8:00am-8:59am 53
- Opens: 9:00am-9:59am 23
- Price: $0-$199 32
- Price: $0-199 1
- Price: $1100-$1399 17
- Price: $1400-$1699 6
- Price: $1700-$1899 1
- Price: $1900-$2899 1
- Price: $200-$499 76
- Price: $500-$799 45
- Price: $800-$1099 48
- Price: No price yet 75
- Price: No pricing yet 1