👩💼 Immigration lawyers in Victoria
This website does not make any money from referrals or links. This is a free community service to provide this list. Are you a lawyer in immigration law based in Victoria, BC and you’re not on this list? Let us know.
Adam Pawlovich, Sihota & Starkey, starkeylawco.ca
Akingbade Samuel Oluwarinu, Whitestone Legal, whitestonelegal.ca
Beatriz Contreras, Contreras-McLennan, contrerasmclennan.com
Benton Mischuk, Maynard Kischer Stojicevic (MKS), vancouverlaw.ca
Christopher Considine, Considine & Company, considinelaw.com
David Aujla, Crease Harman LLP, creaseharman.com
Xiaopeng (Leo) Yuan, Infinity Law, infinity-law.com
🏛️ Immigration tax accountants in Victoria
Also referred to as “cross-border tax accountants”. Accountants that can help internationals with tax matters for both Canada and other countries, most commonly the US.
Baker Tilly, btvic.com
Cameron Izard Snell LLP, cistax.ca
Chan & Associates, chanandassociates.ca
Grant Thornton, grantthornton.ca/location/bc/victoria
MNP, mnp.ca
Phil Hogan, Hutcheson & Co., philhogan.com
Schell & Associates, schellandassociates.ca
Schibli Stedman King, sskca.com
💻 Immigration resources
Ask one of the International groups in Victoria for advice
We have over 70 international groups here in Victoria (or for BC in some cases). We’ve listed each group’s website here on our International Groups list on the “How to Meet People in Victoria” page - sorted by country of origin.
Ask that group on their Facebook page or website for advice. (Example group: 🇳🇿, 🇦🇺 (Australia, New Zealand) Kiwis & Aussies on Vancouver Island (KAVI))
These international / expat groups are friendly and usually willing to help.
Immigration legal resources
Canadian Bar Association, BC Lawyer directory: cbabc.org/Directory/Find-a-Lawyer
Law Centre at the University of Victoria: A free legal clinic to those who qualify. uvic.ca/law/about/centre/services/index.php
Law Society of BC: The regulatory body for lawyers in British Columbia. They maintain the directory of all lawyers legally allowed to practice law (that includes immigration law) in BC. Check a lawyer’s name on their online directory to make sure they are licensed and legal. lawsociety.bc.ca
Legal Aid BC: They offer free immigration legal services to those who qualify in BC. lss.bc.ca
Immigration websites
Government of Canada (Federal): Immigration website, canada.ca/en/services/immigration-citizenship.html
BC Government (Provincial): Immigration to BC website, welcomebc.ca/Immigrate-to-B-C
Reddit: r/ImmigrationCanada, a social media forum, reddit.com/r/ImmigrationCanada
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Yes. We have an entire section with moving guides to the biggest Canadian cities. This is a list of moving guides to more than 65 other major Canadian cities.
My partner also needs a job when we move
We’ve listed the biggest companies in Victoria, as a way for you to start looking for where your partner could work if you move here.